

Kiwigrid(http://www.kiwigrid.com/)是一个智能能源管理平台,提供智能电网解决方案,支持分布式设备集成、存储、统计服务等。该公司日前获得数百万美元的种子投资,由 Innogy Venture Capital、 AQTON、High-Tech Gruenderfonds联合投资。

About Kiwigrid:

During spring 2007 the idea was born to build an energy-efficiency-control and automation network into the houses.
But that idea was not easy to realize:
In the field of energy efficiency only a few solutions have been exist to measure and analyze the usage of power, gas, water and heating.
Within the field of automation fully developed technologies already exist. But these technologies were very complex, expensive and only installable by a specialist.
So the idea of a reduced, internet-based platform was born: Kiwigrid is cost-saving, easy to install, measures energy flow, and controls appliances remotely.

编辑: 发表于 2013 年 7 月 2 日
文章栏目: 物联网, 标签: ,